Amended 2010
Operating Field Rules and Rules of Conduct.
Read and understand these rules:
They protect you, our club, and spectators from injury and property loss. Infractions of safety rules prior to an accident can cause loss of your A.M.A. accident insurance coverage.
1. Every club flyer must hold a valid A.M.A. license and a current P.O.R.K.S. membership. When ready to fly or test, if the frequency pin is available, take the pin and place it on your radio, and place your A.M.A. card or other I.D. in the flight box pocket. A list of members permitted to fly will be posted. New or repaired models must be range checked per the radio manufactures instructions. Flight Spotters are required when (4) or more aircraft are in the air at one time.
2. Immediately after flying or testing, make sure your transmitter is off, return the pin to the board, and retrieve your ID card. If one or more cards are behind yours notify the next card owner.
3. Flying is permitted Monday through Saturday beginning at 8:00am. Sunday beginning at 10:00am. An Event Committee or Officers may change the starting flying time for special events. Non-powered aircraft may fly at any time.
4. No one will purposely fly any aircraft on the pit side of the flight line, the flight line being a line to infinity to the left, and to the right, and vertical at the pit side of the runway.
5. Do not fly in a manner which may be considered dangerous, such as low level, straight or acrobatic flight toward any living thing or vehicle. Do not deliberately fly your aircraft toward another person’s aircraft. Do not fly an aircraft that is in an unsafe condition.
6. Take off in approved areas only, never toward other flyers, spectators, or vehicles. Landing must never be toward an area occupied by other flyers, spectators, or vehicles.
7. Any club member who sees another member purposely committing a safety violation or flying an unsafe aircraft is obliged to bring it to the attention of that member and ask that he abide by the club rules. If that person refuses to cooperate and ignores the warning, the matter should be directed to any officer present for action. (Article 3 Section 4 of the constitution).
8. Remember! The first safety rule infraction will result in a warning from one or more of the members or the safety officer. A second safety infraction of the same type will result in flying privileges being suspended for a period decided by the membership. A third safety infraction of the same type will result in expulsion from the club, with no return of any monies. (Article 3, section 4 of the constitution).
9. In the event of an emergency Persons in the area are to be notified by a loud “dead stick”, “out of control” or other vocal warning which must be relayed down the line by the other persons on the flight line. All persons must clear the path of the aircraft. Vocal warnings are to be taken seriously and reacted to. If an aircraft is in imminent danger of hitting a person, causing property damage or totally out of control the pilot is obligated to point the nose to the ground. It is not “Save the plane at all costs” – SAFETY MUST COME FIRST!
10. A landing aircraft always has the right of way over one about to take off.
11. Flying in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of any drug which could impair your eyesight or judgment is prohibited. Do not use abusive or obscene language.
12. No one will stand on the runway to fly unless permitted by all other flyers present for brief test flights and takeoffs.
13. All members are expected to volunteer for field maintenance. Special work days may be called by the president or board. No one will fly any aircraft while the field is being mowed or repaired.
14. Do not litter! If you brought it to the field, take it with you when you leave.
15. Any engine larger than .049 or 4 cycles must be equipped with a complete muffling device. (Headers and/or stack extensions must have a baffle). Engine break-in or more than normal engine adjustment for flight shall be in the designated area only.
16. Whenever any person asks another to fly his/her plane or assist in instruction, the instructor shall not be liable for any subsequent damage.
17. Any person, if determined by the Board of Directors to be in violation of these rules and is directly responsible for damage to another person’s aircraft and equipment shall be liable for the repair and/or replacement costs. Accidental midair’s are no one’s fault.
18. A limit of three visits for flying privileges will be extended to prospective members and to guests of regular members. Prospective members/guests must show proof of AMA membership. The club member shall be responsible and liable for his/her guest. Per the A.M.A: a member is allowed to give a non-ama member one demo flight using a buddy box. Only with use of a buddy box is there AMA insurance coverage.
19. P.O.R.K.S. accepted transmitter frequencies:
- 2.4MHz
- 72MHz
- 6 Meter Amateur “Ham” Band
- 50MHz
- 53MHz
- 75 MHz For Surface Model Use Only
20. New members are not permitted to fly without an instructor present. New members will be assigned an instructor until they can consistently take-off, land, perform a loop, a figure eight, and a procedure turn at both ends of the runway. (90 deg. turn away from the flight line, immediately followed by an opposite 270 turn to bring the plane back over the runway.)
21. Any aircraft equipped with lithium batteries has an increased chance of fire. If flying with this type of battery make sure you know where the clubs fire extinguishers are located and/or have one of your own.
22. Each member is to use only one safety stand or table at a time.
In addition to the above rules courtesy and common sense are expected at all times by each member.